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Andrea Reder
7 maj 20181 minut(y) czytania
I got a lot of questions about how exactly is a Bowen Technique session
Here is a short video, where one of my colleagues in England explains how Bowen technique works and show you what you will experience...
54 wyświetlenia
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Andrea Reder
23 mar 20185 minut(y) czytania
Bowen Therapy, Pain, Sport Injuries See how Bear Grylls uses Bowen Therapy to keep himself in peak
Bowen Therapy, aches and pains, Bear Grylls,
362 wyświetlenia
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Andrea Reder
19 mar 20181 minut(y) czytania
Mesentery: New organ discovered inside human body by scientists (and now there are 79 of them)
Odkrycie nowego organu w ludzkim ciele, mesenterium , otworzyło przełomowy obszar nauki. Początkowo uważano je za fragmentowane struktury...
22 wyświetlenia
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Andrea Reder
19 mar 20181 minut(y) czytania
Bowen Technique - Restore your Balance
Problemy kręgosłupa, ból,
24 wyświetlenia
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